Chickpea flour

Gram flour chickpea flour chana aata asian cooking ingredient spices gluten free.
Gram flour contains a high proportion of carbohydrates but no gluten.
It is used in Italian cuisine to make farinata, in French cuisine to make socca and in the cuisine of Cadiz in Southern Spain to make tortillitas.
If parboiled potatoes are rolled in the flour prior to roasting they take on a golden colour and a crisp texture.
Gram flour chickpea flour contains a high proportion of carbohydrates, higher fiber relative to other flours, no gluten, and a higher proportion of protein than other flours.
Despite this, in comparison to other flours, it has a relatively high proportion of protein.

Gram flour chickpea flour - 100 % gluten free!

Smart choices + quality products = happy eating
We want Happy Belly ;) 

EnergInes Hack Valentine’s Day

Every year on February 14th we exchange gifts, cards, candy and flowers with our special “Valentine.” 

This day, the day of romance we call Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century. 
Valentine’s Day origins is in the Roman holiday Lupercalia.
EnergInes Hack and perfectly sized to hold small treats, surprises.
So, we give our valentines something truly special including a heart-shaped tag.
EnergInes gives you some date ideas:
Try salsa dancing lessons. Make fondue and play truth or dare. Go go-karting.
With her or him go on the classic dinner date at your favorite fancy restaurant. Celebrate old school, just remember to make reservations in advance! ;
Or visit your/our hometown.
Pack a picnic and enjoy the night skies.
Or just go to the opera!
Any of this - perfect for Valentine’s Day parties and great way to get our treats noticed so they can be loved by all. Give to party guests as they leave, or leave on the table filled favors!
EnergInes Hack wish you a happy St. Valentine's Day or just best vday ;

Energy Savings with IoT

Energy technology is an interdisciplinary engineering science having to do with the safe, efficient, environmentally friendly and economical conversion, extraction, transportation, storage and use of energy, targeted towards yielding high efficiency whilst skirting side effects on humans, nature and the environment.
For people, energy is need, an overwhelming need and as a scarce resource it has been an underlying cause of political conflicts and wars. The use and gathering of energy resources can be harmful to local ecosystems and may have global outcomes.
Home Energy Savings

If we are interested by smart household appliances, we know that we not alone. The most recent holiday season proved to be a big one for Google Home and Amazon Echo. If we ever asked “Who is this “Alexa” anyway?” we are about to find out. Experts guess that more than 12 million Alexa smart home devices are in just US households.

Both, Google Home and Amazon Echo are part of the "internet of things - IoT", which is a term that refers to everyday things that have internet capabilities and sensors.
The internet of things includes smart devices or household appliances that work with Google Home or Amazon Echo which can function without direct human intervention or; those blinds and lights, that can be adjusted using our smartphone, the thermostat that we operate remotely through its own app, or even the coffee maker that is activated by the alarm clock are all realities.

We have two smart home voice; Google Home and Amazon Alexa /which includes Echo Dot, Amazon Echo and Amazon Tap/.

If you’re thinking of hack and turning your house into a smart home, you need to determine which the best choice is for you - Google Home or Amazon Echo.
And I?
I adore Google from the beginning of time; always <3

Mindfulness - deeper awareness

Life can quickly pass us by if we are not focused on what matters. 
We have a bad habit of overlooking the positive and emphasizing the negative. Being mindful can help.
Mindfulness is a state of open, active attention on the present. If we are mindful, we carefully observe our feelings and thoughts without judging them as good or bad. Mindfulness can also be a healthy way to manage and identify hidden emotions that may be causing problems in our personal or professional relationships. It means awakening to our current experience and living in the moment, rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. Mindfulness is frequently used in meditation and certain kinds of therapy. It has many positive benefits, including reducing harmful ruminating, lowering stress levels, improving our overall health, protecting against anxiety and depression. There is even research suggesting that mindfulness can help people cope better with social isolation and rejection.
How to Lead a Mindful Life, what is Mindfulness hacks? Ours experience of time tends to be subjective and is heavily influenced by our emotional state. Fears and insecurities about the past and the future can make it difficult to fully enjoy the present. The key is learning how to focus on the now and here and pay attention. Mindfulness is a tool that allows people to be more aware of their emotional and physical conditions without getting bogged down in self-criticism and judgment. Mindfulness done well allows one to regain control over destructive feelings and even to capture positive memories that can be savored at a later date.,204,203,200_.jpg
Intention is fundamental to any project, journey or endeavor. Related to intention is the concept of mindfulness; the awareness that arises through intentionally attending to others and oneself in a caring, open and nonjudgmental way.
In The Art and Science of Mindfulness authors Shapiro and Carlson are working on: 
Integrating Mindfulness into Psychology and the Helping Professions draw from Eastern wisdom and practices as well as Western psychological science and theory to explore why mindful awareness is integral to the therapeutic healing process and to show clinicians how to connect with this deeper awareness. This second edition is an accessible discussion of the fundamentals and also contains new sections describing the latest research on the neuroscience of mindfulness and mechanisms of change. Integrating the art and science of mindfulness to inspire greater well being in both clinicians and their patients, this volume bridges a gap between therapist and patient, reminding us that we are all human beings wanting happiness, health and freedom from suffering.
Living in the moment for Greater Well Being ;

108 Sun Salutations - Winter Solstice

108 Sun Salutations for Winter Solstice - Surrender to the Darkness & Embody Your Inner Light is right here.

Here’s what we can expect:
  • 20 arm sun salutations,
  • 15 half sun salutations,
  • 15 plank to downward dog sun salutations,
  • 15 low lunge sun salutations,
  • 15 belly backbend sun salutations,
  • 15 surya namaskar,
  • 13 YOU do YOU sun salutations.
A few important things to note: - this is our personal practice and experience, so YOU do YOU, meaning take modifications whenever necessary, ramp it up to create more heat, take rest in child’s pose, or hit pause and do the 108 sun salutations in increments. 
There’s no right or wrong way to experience this ritual, please remember that.

Yoga | Sun Salutation | Breathing

Yoga is a way, a great way to work on our flexibility and strength.
Just about everyone can do it, it's not just for people who want to meditate or can touch their toes ;

Some types of yoga are about relaxation.
Some others, we move more. 
Most types focus on learning poses, called asanas.

They always include attention to breathing.


To reprogram us, Inka in Peru, the few remaining shamans reprogram the system. Paleolithic healing methods, shamans.
Yes, yes shamans renewing sense of purpose and heal.
Googling about our energy and the healing of soul and body brought me to the book which describes and explains practices and principles for heal our brain and clearing our mind.
I'm talking about “One Spirit Medicine” Ancient Ways to Ultimate Our Physical and Mental Health.
 Author, Dr. Villoldo promises, that we can feel better in a few days, begin to heal our brain and clear our mind in a week, and in six weeks we will be on our way to effectively “growing a new body”, one that mends rapidly, ages gracefully and keeps us connected to Spirit, to the earth and to a renewed sense of purpose in our lifes.
Today our minds, our emotions, our relationships, our bodies are out of kilter. We know it, but we tend to ignore it until something brings us up short - a broken relationship, a worrying diagnosis or simply an inability to function harmoniously in everyday life. When things are a little off, we read a self-help book. When they’re really bad, we bring in neurologists to repair the brain, oncologists to address cancer, psychologists to help us understand our family of origin.
But this fragmented approach to health is merely a stopgap.
To truly heal, we need to return to the original recipe for wellness discovered by shamans millennia ago - One Spirit Medicine.
Unlike modern medicine, which recognizes thousands of ailments and myriad remedies, One Spirit Medicine identifies one ailment and one cure. The ailment is alienation from our feelings, from our bodies, from the Earth, and from Spirit.
The cure, One Spirit Medicine, is the experience of primeval Oneness, which restores inner harmony and facilitates recovery from all maladies, regardless of origin. Drawing on more than 25 years of experience as a medical anthropologist and training in the shamanic tradition - as well as his own journey back from the edge of death - acclaimed healer and teacher Alberto Villoldo introduces us to this powerful practice, based on healing methods that our Paleolithic ancestors knew 50,000 years ago and supported by the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience. We learn how to detoxify the brain and gut with superfoods and supplements; discover ways to switch off the “death clocks” in our cells; explore techniques for working with our luminous energy fields to repair our bodies and our brains; and follow the ancient teachings of the medicine wheel to shed disempowering stories from the past and pave the way for rebirth.
Through One Spirit Medicine, the shamans found that they could grow a new body that allowed them to live in extraordinary health. They learned how to switch off the "death clock" inside every cell, and turn on the "immortality" genes that reside in password-protected regions of our DNA. Cancer, dementia, and heart disease were rare. The shamans of old were truly masters of prevention.
Drawing on more than 25 years of experience as a medical anthropologist - as well as his own journey back from the edge of death - acclaimed shamanic teacher Alberto Villoldo shows us how to detoxify the brain and gut with superfoods; techniques for working with our luminous energy fields to heal our body; and follow the ancient path of the medicine wheel to shed disempowering stories from the past and pave the way for rebirth.
Using the principles and practices in this book, we can feel better in a few days, begin to clear our mind and heal our brain in a week, and in six weeks be on our way to a new body - one that heals rapidly, retains its youthful vitality, and keeps us connected to Spirit, to the earth, and to a renewed sense of purpose in our life.
"A paradigm-shattering synthesis of wisdom traditions and modern science that enables the reader to move from passive victim to master of their fate."
— Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and best-selling author of The Biology of Belief and co-author of Spontaneous Evolution

Relaxing Tibetan Meditation

Our brain is a powerful thing.  Powerful enough to affect our mental and physical well being. 
As we learn to control our mind through high-stress times, instead of letting it control us, we gain the ability to positively affect our health on many levels.

So, Relaxing Tibetan Meditation is here now :)