Energy Savings with IoT

Energy technology is an interdisciplinary engineering science having to do with the safe, efficient, environmentally friendly and economical conversion, extraction, transportation, storage and use of energy, targeted towards yielding high efficiency whilst skirting side effects on humans, nature and the environment.
For people, energy is need, an overwhelming need and as a scarce resource it has been an underlying cause of political conflicts and wars. The use and gathering of energy resources can be harmful to local ecosystems and may have global outcomes.
Home Energy Savings

If we are interested by smart household appliances, we know that we not alone. The most recent holiday season proved to be a big one for Google Home and Amazon Echo. If we ever asked “Who is this “Alexa” anyway?” we are about to find out. Experts guess that more than 12 million Alexa smart home devices are in just US households.

Both, Google Home and Amazon Echo are part of the "internet of things - IoT", which is a term that refers to everyday things that have internet capabilities and sensors.
The internet of things includes smart devices or household appliances that work with Google Home or Amazon Echo which can function without direct human intervention or; those blinds and lights, that can be adjusted using our smartphone, the thermostat that we operate remotely through its own app, or even the coffee maker that is activated by the alarm clock are all realities.

We have two smart home voice; Google Home and Amazon Alexa /which includes Echo Dot, Amazon Echo and Amazon Tap/.

If you’re thinking of hack and turning your house into a smart home, you need to determine which the best choice is for you - Google Home or Amazon Echo.
And I?
I adore Google from the beginning of time; always <3

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